Compare 3DCG to actual photo.
The layout was done using Modo's VR mode, wearing VR goggles "Meta Quest 3" and entering the room at full size (the image is not in VR mode, but a rendering). There are some discrepancies and differences due to the actual installation, but they are almost identical to the photos.
When I saw the actual exhibit for the first time, it did not feel at all different from what I had seen in VR.
The layout was done using Modo's VR mode, wearing VR goggles "Meta Quest 3" and entering the room at full size (the image is not in VR mode, but a rendering). There are some discrepancies and differences due to the actual installation, but they are almost identical to the photos.
When I saw the actual exhibit for the first time, it did not feel at all different from what I had seen in VR.
ModoのVRモードを使い、VRゴーグル「Meta Quest 3」をかぶって原寸の部屋に立ち入ってレイアウトした(画像はVRモードではなく、レンダリング)。実際の設置の都合で多少のズレや違いはあるものの、写真とほぼ同じになってる。